Feb 9, 2012


NEW BLOG!!!!!! NEW LOOK, NEW LOGO and comments are open on the blog, come visit:)


Update your google readers:)

Feb 8, 2012

CRISP Fall day | Casper WY Family Photographer

Doesn't it look nice and warm with the sun and beautiful light?It was unexpectedly FREEZING! They had to keep getting in their car to warm up the little guy but he was a trooper!

Feb 5, 2012

josh and lacey | Casper WY Wedding Photographer

Some of my favorites from the wedding day...

Feb 1, 2012

new blog coming

Since I apparently can't keep my personal blog and my photography blog updated, Im going to combine them:)

The main reason is a personal blog forced me to take more candids of my life and my kids, little funny things that I wanted to remember or someone in my family or friends to know.

Facebook has killed my blog... so much easier BUT not the same.

It's in the works, a whole NEW blog.

I have to post pics so here's some randomness of the holidays.