NEW BLOG!!!!!! NEW LOOK, NEW LOGO and comments are open on the blog, come visit:)
Update your google readers:)
Feb 8, 2012
CRISP Fall day | Casper WY Family Photographer
Feb 6, 2012
Feb 5, 2012
Feb 1, 2012
new blog coming
Since I apparently can't keep my personal blog and my photography blog updated, Im going to combine them:)
The main reason is a personal blog forced me to take more candids of my life and my kids, little funny things that I wanted to remember or someone in my family or friends to know.
Facebook has killed my blog... so much easier BUT not the same.
It's in the works, a whole NEW blog.
I have to post pics so here's some randomness of the holidays.
The main reason is a personal blog forced me to take more candids of my life and my kids, little funny things that I wanted to remember or someone in my family or friends to know.
Facebook has killed my blog... so much easier BUT not the same.
It's in the works, a whole NEW blog.
I have to post pics so here's some randomness of the holidays.